
” Tian Shan Yuan” has developed into a global metaphysics brand since its establishment in 2018. At the same time , as the official Tiandi Avenue promotional brand of Thailand Lao Zheng (Thai Lao Zheng) , it has successfully built it into a well-known IP.

In the past five years, the Tianshanyuan team has solved more than 200,000 problems, served more than 40,000 people, and successfully helped thousands of families change their life trajectories.

We are very encouraged by the trust and positive feedback from every believer. We always have good faith in mind , turn responsibility into motivation, and strive for excellence.

What are we going to do?

The investigation service of "Tian Shan Yuan" provides people with destiny with the ability to check past causes and effects and see future development, helping you to significantly reduce the cost of trial and error in life. The service of changing things breaks through the problems and pain points that traditional Yi Xue "cannot solve", making it possible to change the status quo. Cooperate with the Destiny Class to learn the knowledge of heaven, both in depth and breadth, improve cognition, and combine yin and yang; in the human world and the legal world, we can truly change the original destiny trend and help the destined people to better complete their life tasks.

Our Advantage

The investigation scope is more comprehensive, in-depth and detailed, effectively helping people who are destined to make correct life decisions. The ability to change things is more in line with the needs of Destined People, and all change services are developed and improved based on the needs and feedback of Destined People. Provide services to clients at all stages that meet their current needs. Teaching unprecedented high-dimensional cognition throughout the ages, because we always believe that the change in a person's structure lies in the change in his cognition.

Our Team

The team and its core members are located around the world. Because we have a strong legal background in investigating and correcting things, we have miraculous powers that are rare in the world. In terms of teaching the Dharma and benefiting sentient beings, in addition to having professional qualifications in the human world, we also have the background of teachers who have reincarnated into great powers in the Buddhist, Taoist and immortal worlds. We hope that through the efforts of two generations, we can lead more lost people back to the sea.