The best time to adjust your fortune at the end of the year and next year

According to our many years of experience, around October of each year in the Gregorian calendar is the best time for everyone to ask for “talismans” and “magical instruments”.

What is a “set of symbols”?

The “sets of talismans” are:
[Career Talisman] [Wealth Talisman] [Six-way Talisman] [Noble Person Talisman] [Calmness Talisman] [Qi Luck Talisman] [Communication Talisman] [Eye Talisman] [Little Person Talisman] and other 9 talismans. .

Why is this time for everyone to invite you?

The set of symbols mainly deals with the end-of-year assessment and the tasks at the beginning of the year. Like many companies, they start planning for the coming year in October, and the basic results come out in January. If you wait until January to adjust, many results will basically have been determined, and there will be less room for change. Therefore, October is the best time to prepare for the end of the year and the coming year. It is very important to ask for talismans and magic weapons at this time.

Everyone must be clear that starting from 2023, the entire Chinese economy and the global economy will be turning downward in the next few years. This is an extremely dangerous thing, so everyone must not use previous perceptions to understand the current situation. economy.

If you have a job, you must keep your current job and never change jobs casually. Once job-hopping fails, huge problems will arise and it will be difficult to find a good job again. Everyone must have some grievances or unhappy things, but they must keep their current jobs. Because the global work situation in the future will definitely be shocking, you must not be reckless.

At the same time, we also need to significantly reduce spending, because once we spend too much, it is easy to end up making ends meet. If you want to make up the money at that time, it will be very difficult. So do your job well and flatter your leaders. Say less unnecessary things to your colleagues and control your emotions.

If a person wants to live well, he must understand his life and handle his life well. Now, it just so happens that the general environment is not good now, so it is even more important to make preparations in all aspects, so that when the general environment improves, it will soar into the sky.

If you want to improve, you need to do more good deeds, do more merit, do more good deeds, and be kind to others. Usually, you should master your abilities and the ability to do things well. When a person is blessed, capable, well-mannered, well-behaved, good-natured, good-tempered, and perseverant. The rest will naturally find noble people, and opportunities will come to everyone.

To put it bluntly, it is to be yourself, to improve your own blessings, and to do your best in life and work. When the time comes, people will naturally be willing to find you, so many things are not something you have to fight for, but are the choices of others.

Noble people want people who are capable, safe, good-tempered, and kind-hearted. So in many cases, it’s not that there are no noble people now. The key thing is what do noble people want from you?

It’s a bit hurtful to say this, but it’s the truth. If you can’t create value for others, then why should others use you and promote you?

Therefore, everyone should memorize the 10 workplace self-reflections in “Free Destiny Lesson” .

Everyone must understand that everything in the world is determined by the size of blessings, popularity, good or bad character, whether one is good at behaving and doing things, and how well one controls things. None of these can be achieved through short-term practice. It requires long-term guidance and correct practice, and requires patience and perseverance.

The current environment is not good, so everyone must work harder to practice during this period, improve themselves more, and improve their blessings, popularity, conduct, and abilities. If you wait until the environmental crisis is over and your luck is fully opened, you will be able to soar into the sky.

What are the functions of “set of symbols”?

When a person’s luck is low, no matter how he changes industries, he has no chance. Especially during the economic crisis, many people will feel desperate.

Therefore, people first must have [Qi Luck Talisman].

Second, when a person’s mentality is broken, for example, when he has a lot of debt or cannot find a job for a long time, he will choose to take risks and try something dangerous, because everyone will try to save themselves. But this will only make things worse. Therefore, people’s mentality can easily collapse at this time, so they must suppress their mentality first. Including the bad economy, resentment is inevitable in the workplace, so you must control your emotions. This uses the [Quiet Mind Talisman].

Third, [Communication Talisman] and [Noble Person Talisman] mainly allow you to find good fate and find people who are willing to help you. But you also have to go out and talk, you have to communicate with people, right? Therefore, there must be noble people, and communication must be good. Including the use of communication symbols, if the communication is good, it can also reduce the chance of adding villains. Because when a person is in a bad mood, has a bad mentality, or is unlucky, your emotions will be very strong, which sometimes leads to you not being so patient when communicating with others, and it is easy to hurt others. . Then you will have more villains at this time.

Fourth, so we have to use the [Villain Talisman].

Fifth, [Career Talisman]. It is me who allows you to have more career opportunities and more performance. Only when your career luck is good, your career will be easy to advance. On the contrary, if your career is not good, and if some people want to leave the company, but your heart is not here, and then you can’t make money and can’t do things well, you will be very sad. If you don’t care, your career will be easy. There is a problem, so I must save your job first.

Sixth, [Wealth Talisman] is to increase your wealth and opportunities. If you don’t have some wealth, you may not be able to take advantage of the career opportunities you may have.

The seventh is the [Eye Talisman], which allows you to be loved by everyone and make flowers bloom. In fact, the combination of eye talisman and communication talisman is to enable you to better engage in “interpersonal relationships”.

Eighth, [Six-Way Talisman] allows you to have more ideas to develop and wider roads to create. Especially when some people really can’t find a way out now and there is no good way out, I will first use a six-way talisman to hold you back and forcefully open some roads to go.

So these nine talismans are actually the ones we use most in our careers. I believe that in the global economic recession, many people will use these nine talismans.

Those who can use this kind of talisman are only those who want to rush upward or try their best to maintain the status quo. If your business is not doing well, or you have no chance, or you are on the verge of collapse, you can quickly help you put the brakes on, let alone talk about how to reverse the situation, at least encounter something first. Good thing.

But if a lazy person just sits in the office and brags, doing nothing, and the interpersonal relationship deteriorates without reflection, then this “talisman” will not work.

What are the things to note when asking for “set of symbols”?

There are 9 talismans in the set. Except for the [little man talisman], the other 8 talismans are to be put into magical objects or designated bracelets or jade ornaments, so just bring this thing with you. The taboo for this thing is that it cannot touch blood, as it will be ineffective if it does.

The [Villain Talisman] is processed remotely and is used to neutralize career villains. So there are no taboos. The only thing you should pay attention to is to keep a low profile and don’t take the initiative to cause trouble.

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  1. This is dummy copy. It is not meant to be read. Accordingly, it is difficult to figure out when to end it. If this were real copy, it would have ended long ago, because‚ as we all know‚ no one reads body copy, and even fewer read body copy this long. But then, this is dummy copy. It is not meant to be read. Period.